Going away.

Mars is good.
I should move there.
No traffic
no burnt milk in my coffee
no queues for the bakery.
I wouldn’t have to cut corners to rush for work,
because walls wouldn’t exist there, just air.
I wonder whether I could get rid of the mental blocks as well.
There would be no one to watch me,
so I wouldn’t need all these expensive clothes.
I could write my own books with a stick in the sand
the next day they would be carried away by the wind
and I could start over
fix what needed fixing.
Just like my life.
There would be no clock to pull me away from my dreams
so mornings would be as long as I need them to be.
I would make a home in different caves every now and then
for free.
If I tripped and fell
I could stay down for a while
and that would be okay.
Yes, maybe I should move.